
In 1979, concerned family members banded together to fulfill a critical need at that time: to develop safe, decent and affordable housing linked with support services for their offspring afflicted with a disability. In 1985, Triple C purchased our first group home to serve 5 individuals discharged from state institutions; and now, 43 years later, we support over 250+ individuals and families…and growing more opportunities each and every day!

Since its inception, Triple C has continually identified the need to create more affordable housing opportunities to fully integrate individuals and families in safe and decent neighborhoods; and proactively attend to the unique, needs of persons served. As such, Triple C has maintained a steady stream of housing development linked with enhanced support services to respond to the growing needs of the community.

Triple C Through The Decades

1980s: Incorporated as CCCPA Inc. Opened first group home in Middlesex County.


1985: Founding Members receive architectural rendering of Metlar’s Group Home, our first residential program. Pictured: Allen Stearns, Mr. & Mrs. Troisi, Nancy Schneeloch, Philip Vinick Esq., Dorothy Frownfelter, Elena Stolzer, and Dorothy Ambruso. Not pictured: Marie Davenport, Betty Durand, Elizabeth Golden, Gertrude LaGoth, & Cecilia Winfield.

1990s: Opened two more consumer operated homes and expanded supportive housing services.

2000s: Became Triple C Housing Inc., with emphasis on Care, Community, & Choice.

  • Housing opportunities and consumer base grew from 37 % to 67% (2001- 2010)
  • Completed development of Edison and South Plainfield consumer homes
  • Awarded Special Needs Housing Trust Fund (SNHTF) in 2005 – one of the first nonprofits to access SNHTF to develop multi family projects.
  • Developed Triple C’s first multi-family integrated residence in Middlesex County (Dunellen) and then expanded to Ocean County w/ second multifamily residence (Point Pleasant)
  • Awarded Office of Housing Advocacy grant for housing development & the H20 program McKinney grant
  • Chosen as the lead non-profit organization and developer to support the military base closure at the former Camp Kilmer Military Base in Edison; facilitated the Legally Binding Agreement for the transfer of the base acreage for affordable housing development with Edison Twp. and the US Department of Defense.


  • Awarded the Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) designation at state & local levels
  • Awarded the Governor’s Supportive Housing Award
  • Established Promise House residence
  • Expanded program services (At Risk/CEPP) and housing opportunities by 21% in Ocean County
  • Grew board membership and representation with the addition of the Family Advisory Committee
  • Developed Supportive Housing multi-family in South Brunswick
  • Completed new construction for the homeless in New Brunswick with support from the City of New Brunswick HOME program, the New Brunswick Housing and Redevelopment Authority, the NJ HMFA Special Needs Housing Trust Fund; Serving over 100 individuals!
  • Super Storm Sandy Block Grant awarded for 75 vouchers to impact displaced households in Middlesex and Monmouth Counties.
  • Celebrated 40 YEARS in 2019!

2020 and Beyond

  • Currently Triple C houses and serves over 250+ individuals and expansion continues throughout additional counties

Triple C Housing

Triple C Housing, Inc.
1520 US 130, Suite 201
North Brunswick, NJ 08902
Administrative: 732.658.6636
Fax: 732.658.6642

Build A Thriving New Jersey