COMMUNITY Development & Engagement

Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO) bring affordable housing coupled with support services into local neighborhoods. Our objectives are to empower individuals and families to improve their quality of life, promote self-sufficiency, and engage in meaningful, gainful relationships, careers, educational advancement opportunities and wellness activities while contributing to their neighborhoods and communities.

Triple C has successfully expanded its operations and developed programs through partnerships with the public and private sectors. Triple C’s standard of developing housing is considered luxury affordable housing, and the range of housing options are linked with support services, that have a stellar reputation in the community as being top of the line and of the utmost quality.

Why We Do What We Do:

The current economic climate and scores of individuals and families experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity magnifies our mission to extend our reach.

  • Families comprise 41% of America’s Homeless; of the remaining 59%, 23-40% are veterans and 25% are persons diagnosed with a mental illness.
  • Mental illness affects 60 million adults in the United States. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1 in 4 people are affected by a mental health or brain disorder. The World Health Organization is warning that depression is set to become the main cause of disability and second leading health problem by 2020.
  • The lack of affordable housing is rated third highest (43%) behind mental illness, for singles, and a staggering 87% for families, as the most common cause of homelessness.
  • Studies show that poor mental health and psychological distress are directly linked to poverty. Poverty, acting through economic stressors such as unemployment and lack of affordable housing, is more likely to precede mental illness than the reverse.

Community Partnerships

Spotlight on Collaborations

Triple C Housing brings affordable housing, supportive services, and economic enterprise into local neighborhoods. Triple C has successfully identified ways to create physical and social environments that enhance the overall health for those we serve, addressing housing, healthcare, access to transportation, employment, education and financial literacy. It is through partnerships with the public and private sectors, such as collaborations with Rutgers, School of Social Work that Triple C draws on the experts in the field to equip us with evidenced based best practices in service delivery. Triple C’s partnership with Rutgers leverages expert resources to equip team members with research, training, and knowledge exchange so that the services are top notch, and incorporate best practices.

Triple C’s recent partnership with Pennrose resulted in the expansion of affordable housing opportunities for homeless veterans and families, with a set aside of 44 units for special needs in 172 units of luxury apartments. Triple C’s onsite supportive services will provide all residents general support and case management services to maximize overall quality of life.

Property Developed via Partnerships

Kilmer Homes


Developed by The Alpert Group, Monarch Housing Associates and Edison Community Development Corporation. Owner: Kilmer Homes, LLC

Triple C Housing, Inc. sourced the project’s development from inception (2004- 2015) via Edison Township’s Notice of Intent process through the United States Department of Defense Base Realignment & Closure (BRAC) Act. Triple C worked closely with Edison Township and consultants to develop the Legally Binding Agreement (LBA) for the Base Closure and land conveyance of 5 acres of property to Edison Township dedicated to developing affordable housing to serve the public benefit. Triple C thanks the Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) for the predevelopment funds to move the LBA forward for the property conveyance for development.

Description: 120 Units Low Income Housing Tax Credit Development
30 Units Homeless set aside: Project Based Section 8 Rental Subsidy/Edison Housing Authority
Owner/Leasing Agent: Kilmer Homes, LLC
Property Management: Edison Housing Authority & Kilmer Homes, LLC


2016 Governor’s Excellence in
Supportive Housing Awarded to
Triple C Housing, Inc.

Promise House, located in New Brunswick, was developed by Triple C Housing in partnership with Monarch Housing Associates, Kitchen & Associates, Mid-Atlantic Engineering, MPP Engineers, Mulhern Consulting Engineers and JRD Construction.

Promise House provides 10 units of multi-family housing for persons of very low-income and formerly homeless; the services are provided on-site to support residents in their wellness & recovery journey. An enhanced service feature of having a Registered Nurse onsite to provide for healthcare screenings was recognized as a unique service feature.

Triple C Housing

Triple C Housing, Inc.
1520 US 130, Suite 201
North Brunswick, NJ 08902
Administrative: 732.658.6636
Fax: 732.658.6642

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